Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Remember Me??

My status is waning in the blogosphere. My updates are just about never and I simply haven't had much motivation lately, plus I was gone for Fourth of July weekend and this week I am in the process of the big move back to Illinois. I haven't even been reading Baseball Prospectus lately. Let me throw this out there though before I talk about the bullpen. Congrats to our all-stars, they were all quite deserving, thank god we only have to play the giants one more time this season, and please God, fix Matty Mo for us.


The bullpen has faded into the background in terms of what's harming the team. Sure there are still shaky moments, becasue Tony continues to bring Fassero and Yan into pressure-packed situations. But Izzy is erasing the ninth, Eldred looks to be maintaining, and Lance Painter is doing a decent job. Now if we could get Kline right and get one more new arm in here, the pen would be looking pretty good. Put it this way, the pen isn't why we've been losing games lately. Yes, they did blow a one-run lead over the course of four innings in Chicago on Saturday, but those were a couple of the cheapest ways to score runs that you'll ever see. The problem continues to be in the rotation that is short on good outings, and an offense that brings a whole new level of meaning to the term all-or-nothing. At least we finally broke those wretched streaks this weekend. We lost a game when scoring more than four runs, and we won a game scoring less than eight runs. If this team could ever find any sort of consistency, they would run away with the division.